Sunday, October 26, 2014

Gratitude - Day 299 - Oct 26, 2014

Grateful today for warm, breezy weather allowing us to get out in the yard and do lots of fall clean-up.

Grateful for the pictures I see on Facebook of my daughter and her friends on their camping trip this weekend.   They're having a great time getting out and doing fun things on weekends while also doing great as college students.

Grateful for the flip-of-a-switch gas fireplace which gives us great ambiance and a little snugly heat in the early morning and late evening, letting us keep the furnaces off until real cold weather hits.

Grateful for the small things that are comforting on this weekend day... time spent with my husband, comfort food on the stove, good music on the speaker.

Happy times, friends.  I hope you're enjoying your weekend, too.


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